Monday, July 7, 2008

My Ideas...

I think this is the best way to get news out for my wargaming friends. I guess I have only a few wargaming friends, but I count anyone who has played a wargame with me, so there's some... This post will be about podcasts.

I currently listen to three or four podcasts that help me with my wargaming fix. You can listen too, just download the episode on your computer and play them. I enjoy them quite a bit, sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are inciteful. So, here's what I've got.

First, and foremost there is All About Miniatures. This podcast is sort of defunct now, and that is rather sad. But, last I checked you can still download and listen to the episodes. Here's the website.

Second, and probably equal to All About Miniatures is Point 2 Point. This podcast is primarily a board wargame podcast, and doesn't have anything to say about miniatures. That's OK, however, as I don't really mind that. And the guys are funny, I think.

Third, and also very good, is the Roll 2d6 podcast. This podcast is generally about gaming. Adam and Nate talk about everything from roll playing to miniature wargaming. It's a pretty fun listen too. Here's the website.

Fourth, and pretty good, although a little bit sophomoric, is a show put togehter by the guy who makes the "online army showcase." This is also a miniature based podcast. I really enjoy listening to them, and they got me interested in Heroscape, which is another post for another time.

As with all of this, please just enjoy. Thanks.


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