Friday, July 11, 2008

Expanding My Table...

So, first I guess I should tell you why I'm expanding my table. When I first started to paint figures, I thought that painting 10mm figures was challenging. Well, it was... to a point. But then I started painting 15mm figures, and found that challenging too... But then I found 25mm figures, and the plastic ones... And I found them... cheap! You can get about 50 25mm figs for about $10. Check out Hobby Lobby! They are listed as 1/72 scale figures.

Anyway, my normal 4 foot by 4 foot table was not cutting it anymore. So, I decided to more than double my playing surface by changing to 6 foot by 6 foot! Woopie!

So, this will serve as a primer on how to build a gaming surface that sits on top of a smaller table...

Here's my 4 foot by 4 foot table. Notice the 25mm infantry regiments in line formation. They are basically 7 inches long when in line formation. That means you won't have room to maneuver. So, I decided to stop that...

Glue-board, or particle board, or plywood, I'm not sure what this is... comes in 4 foot by 8 foot sections. Therefore, I cut the boards down to 3 foot by 6 foot. (I guess an 8 foot by 8 foot table would be cool, however... I don't think that I could reach to the middle of the table... :)

This is how I WAS going to do it... But I decided not to do it this way. The top and bottom boards would "hang" off the side of the 4 foot by 4 foot table without any support... So I changed the design that was in my head...

Notice Micah's Elmo book in the lower left corner... Anyway... Here you can see that there will be supports in the middle and two supports on the sides which rest on the smaller table... Then, I moved it down to the basement (almost didn't make it, that 8 foot by 8 foot table simply wouldn't have fit!).

So here you can see what I've been talking about... The 2 by 2's and two of the 2 by 4's rest on the 4 foot by 4 foot table... And basically the 2 6 foot by 3 foot sections rest on them... The 2 by 4's on the sides are there for support, and to bind it all together... It all works rather well...

Now I've sanded the edges (there's nothing worse than a splinter while playing a game...) and I've gotten everything ready to paint...

Some good advice with the painting -- paint the inside first! Or else wear a shirt with green horizontal stripes. I ran out of paint, and this is only the first coat anyway... But...

As you can see, it works rather well, and there's lots of room!

4 by 4 = 16 square feet...

6 by 6 = 36 square feet... that's 20 extra square feet!

So, if anybody wants to come to Nebraska to play on my really big table, let me know...

Now it's time to mow the lawn on the hottest day of the year so far...

--- Bert.

Monday, July 7, 2008

After a long wait... Mini Con July 2007

In July of 2007, Jerry had a little time to play games. He was on vacation in Sydney NE, visiting his family, and he decided to invite me to travel the 2 - 3 hours to play some games with him. I enthusiastically agreed! So, what follows is the long awaited write up of what happened that weekend. Jerry wrote it, and he did a very good job!
Bertonian Battles Mini Convention July 29-30

First off this article must have the thanks of Kristen for allowing Bert to come to Sidney, Nebraska for the convention, while just a couple weeks left before their baby is due. Also a big thank you to my wife for allowing me to play uninterrupted while Bert was down.
This was an exciting get together because we were able to play a variety of games one old but most new. Also included at this convention was my brother Andy who took a liking to the games, and so was also able to play a bit when I was willing to step aside. :-) The games played were Bertonian Ancient Miniatures, the ship game, tank war, and axis and allies miniatures.
I will start by trying to give victory status to each game.

To start with we played the ship game. It is awesome to see this game make a comeback from college days. It was a grueling duel that ended with me winning the battle. (correct this if it wrong I thought we played three times) (Editor’s Note: Jerry did win, but it was CLOSE!) The second time that we played this game I won again, the third time though I was definitely out maneuvered and beaten, and a first ever for this game a ship was run aground, a daring move on Bert's part.

In tank war it was a split, this is also the game that Andy got into, I was 1-1, Andy was 1-1, and Bert was 2-2, I must say this is definitely the game Bert was good at, although he was very good in the ship game, I just managed to get the wind to change in my favor thus allowing my ships to get into good position.

Axis and Allies miniatures was really awesome, takes a lot of reading, and just playing the pieces to learn how best to use them but I would recommend this as well as recommend purchasing these pieces. Bert and I called a draw, due to time limit, although I believe he would have eventually un-lodged me from our momentary stalemate.

The best game though was the Bertonian Ancient miniatures. I came down with a solid win, but as always when Bert develops a game from scratch he puts a lot of time and energy into making it good, and this one is a total winner. If any of you have the opportunity and can only play Bert in just one game I would recommend this one.

Now for an outright critique of the games themselves.

As you could tell with the ancient miniatures I was impressed. The problem that I have always had with Bert’s miniature games was in the cavalry, well in this game, that changes. Calvary pieces are beefed up and in my opinion make this game good to excellent, because they just don't die as quickly, although they are as normal target heavily because of their tenaciousness. Besides that though each race Bert came up with neat specialties for each army type, giving each type strengths and weaknesses well deserved. Also impressive of this game is the command structure which was totally legit for the era, and I would recommend commanders for each of his miniature games that he has now.

Axis and Allies is simply neat very detailed pieces, in a complex game. Not the game to introduce gaming on, but for the more experienced gamer they can pick it up pretty quickly, along with strategy for pieces. I would recommend that each person buys two sets, puts their initials on them, so that one can be able to mix match each other pieces because (correct me if I'm wrong in your explanation of this to me) when a set is bought it has various pieces on it, you cannot just buy the exact thing you want. (Editor’s Note: This is, unfortunately, true. I hate collectable miniatures games, but this one just looked so cool that I had to try it. The week that Micah was born I was in Lincoln, which has a couple hobby stores. I spent some thirty dollars buying extra packs. I guess I am a real gamer. Here my wife is in the hospital, my son is born, and I’m buying miniatures…)

The tank game was really neat as well, the disadvantage of this game is it is Americans vs. Germans, and when it comes to tank vs. tank the Americans suck. So most of the games played were actually German vs. German. This game could be vastly improved with a pointing system for the tanks so that the Americans get the numerical advantage that they truly had in the war. This game would also possibly be improved by the infantry which was also the American advantage in their versatile thinking to beat the German tanks. But then that might ruin the classic tank on tank battle. (Editor’s Note: Jerry asked for it, and I’ll give it, namely a point system for the battle. Also, Jerry found a hole in the rules with regard to “hull down” status. This needs to be corrected.)

Finally the ship game, this game was in danger of being hideously troublesome as it was in college with the designing of ships that just could not realistically move. (Editor’s Note: Brian K. and Jeremy B. will remember all of this…) All that is fixed in this new, well thought out version. The use of the wind was ingenious, although developing rules for the wind still need to be ironed out. Critical hit rules need to be ironed out for this game, although that could be easily fixable. The neat addition to this game was giving each ship the opportunity but not the surety of getting special attributes. I will allow Bert to explain that better, but it also allows for scenarios to be set up, which I also will allow Bert to explain, as we discussed during the convention. One other thing that could help this game along is also giving point values to the ships to allow one to choose their own fleet.

All in all, an awesome convention. Best one yet Bert! Long live Putia!


Editor’s Response: Well, Jerry, I had a great time playing with you and your brother. We need to do that again someday soon! As for any of the rest of you, if you are ever in Nebraska, or even remotely close, PLEASE let me know that you’d like to get together and play some games. Here’s my contact info…

Phone: 308 826 4050 Church: 308 826 3421 Cell: 308 440 6029

By the way: Long live BERTONIA!

My Ideas...

I think this is the best way to get news out for my wargaming friends. I guess I have only a few wargaming friends, but I count anyone who has played a wargame with me, so there's some... This post will be about podcasts.

I currently listen to three or four podcasts that help me with my wargaming fix. You can listen too, just download the episode on your computer and play them. I enjoy them quite a bit, sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are inciteful. So, here's what I've got.

First, and foremost there is All About Miniatures. This podcast is sort of defunct now, and that is rather sad. But, last I checked you can still download and listen to the episodes. Here's the website.

Second, and probably equal to All About Miniatures is Point 2 Point. This podcast is primarily a board wargame podcast, and doesn't have anything to say about miniatures. That's OK, however, as I don't really mind that. And the guys are funny, I think.

Third, and also very good, is the Roll 2d6 podcast. This podcast is generally about gaming. Adam and Nate talk about everything from roll playing to miniature wargaming. It's a pretty fun listen too. Here's the website.

Fourth, and pretty good, although a little bit sophomoric, is a show put togehter by the guy who makes the "online army showcase." This is also a miniature based podcast. I really enjoy listening to them, and they got me interested in Heroscape, which is another post for another time.

As with all of this, please just enjoy. Thanks.
